Living on Light Retreat

After my Living on Light Process on my own in January 2012 I had this year the chance to attend a Living on Light Retreat as assistant.

To experience the Living on Light Process in a group is something complete different than doing it alone. It was a really interesting and inspiring experience that gave me once again beautiful and healing insights.

First, having an experiencced Retreat leader with you is a really good thing. It helps alot if you can't get on on your own. An objective tutor by your side who looks at your processes from another ancle and can give you advice is really healing. Second are the usefull "things" available that make the process easier. Helpful things that are experiential good and tipps which things (for example those mentioned in the books or other sources) aren't really helpful, like told. Here you are allowed to experiment and again the experience tutor has an important part in it (What is allowed, what not?! Where are the borders?).

To experience this special time together in a group is healing, too. With enough space to withdrawal and at the same time space to exchange the experiences, questions, insights, problems,... it is so inspiring and relieving! Yes, it is an intensive time. Yes, it can be unbelievably helpful to share this time with others to get on yourself and have a mirrow in the other participants. It makes the process easier - that's what I feel about it. There is space to collect unique experiences, going through a very special time together with others, having someone to talk about this! Someone to chat, to go for walks or hiking, someone to laugh with or someone who listens to you.

To me this was very important to experience and I really thank everyone making this possible - everyone related to this Living on Light Retreat!

Even without going through this process this time I had the chance to get many insights and this did alot for my self-confidence, that it is ok and right what I do! In my everyday life there are (naturally) quite some disbeliever. People who are dear to me I somewhat still take it to heart if they confront me with doupt and fear. Now I can look them in the eyes with new confidence and power to tell them: Yes, it works! I now have this self assurance and it won't go away any more! Because I saw it in others. And this makes me smile!

It was important to me to experience this again: I am not alone! With knowing through internet and media that there are others, faces were added to my intuitiveness. But it's still something different to exchance direct experiences with others. To experience that the others have the same questions and records, to see them facing the same obstacles and feelings and emotions.

This Living on Light Retreat empowerd me and gave me real hope to represent this topic in public!

And then, I want to create a forum for people who did the Living on Light Process,  to give them the opportunity to get in contact with other breatharians.

An additional Forum will create contact between breatharians and those who want to become breatharian, too. With this I hope more people will vision a (pranistic) future to find themselves and without fear!

Natanja, December 2013